US Citizens Can Now Enter Philippines Without a Visa

Great news for US citizens that want to visit family or a loved one in the Philippines. If you are in the US have been waiting to visit your fiance(e) or another loved one or family in the Philippines - US Citizens can now enter the Philippines if they are planning on a stay of 30 days or fewer.

You can read all about the update here.

More information on vaccination requirements for travel from non visa countries can be found here.

Philippines Embassy Flag


Marriage Visa Helper is not affiliated with any government agency. Marriage Visa Helper does not offer any official government forms. You can get free blank immigration forms directly from the USCIS website with detailed instructions on how to fill them. Marriage Visa Helper is not a law firm nor does Marriage Visa Helper practice law in any of the US states or any Province within the Philippines.Marriage Visa Helper and its writers do not claim any special knowledge or expertise in immigration law. Marriage Visa Helper exists solely as a supplemental source of information for users seeking more information about immigration from the Philippines to the United states. Marriage Visa Helper curates content from various sources about US to Philippines Immigration and produces content such as articles, blog posts and newsletters for its users. Marriage Visa Helper also produces content about international dating specific to the US and Philippines, as it applies to certain immigration types and we believe a related topic.